Tracy Pinder Counselling MBACP (Accred) Adv. Dip Online Counsellor based in Cranleigh, Surrey

Privacy Policy

What is the General Data Protection Regulations?

The new General Data Protection Rules are in place so that organisations and services keep your information confidential and notify you what information they hold on you, how they will use your information, how they store your information and when and how they will delete and/or destroy it.

What information I require and why do I need your information?

During the first session I complete an assessment form by collecting information such as your name, address, phone number, email to contact you so we can arrange appointments and health information such as G.P, address and phone number, medication, for health and safety during our work together.

How I keep your information confidential and secure?

I work in accordance with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Code of Ethics, which requires me to attend Supervision and also adhere to the new General Data Protection Rules (GDPR). I discuss aspects of my work with a supervisor who also works in accordance with (BACP) Code of Ethics and GDPR but I do not disclose your identity
I work in accordance with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Code of Ethics, which requires me to attend Supervision. I discuss aspects of my work with a supervisor who also works in accordance with (BACP) Code of Ethics and I do not disclose your identity. Apart from what I discuss with the supervisor everything you tell me is confidential, with the exception being, if I believed you were going to harm yourself or someone else. If I feel I have to break confidentiality and contact another health professional such as your G.P, Psychiatrist or the Mental Health Team I aim to discuss this with you first if possible.

I write brief notes to keep track and for continuity of our work together and hold them securely in a locked cabinet separate from your contact details for 5 years after the end of counselling. I will then shred your notes.

Your texts and/or emails etc are kept secure with passwords on my work mobile and my laptop.

Requests to access your information and/or delete and destroy it

You are able to request information I hold about you during and after counselling has ended so for example if the court requests them in the future this might be supportive for you. It can also be useful if you return for more counselling. I'm required by my insurance company to keep records. You can make a request that I delete and destroy all information I hold about you in writing although I may not be able to do this for legal reasons but where possible I would need to just keep the request in accordance with my insurance company policy and shred your notes and delete your information from my work phone and laptop.

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